My slave gave me a pair of beautiful sneakers today. They really fit me perfectly, even if this little shoe bimbo is not able to put the new shoes on me. I want to try them out directly a little and since this soft footwear also needs a soft underground, I order my slave to be available to me as a carpet. Stupid only that this carpet does not fit colorwise so at all to my shoes. So its time to create this grievance out of the world and I trample and jump around on the carpet until its color and pattern are exactly as I want them to be. Because no matter how my carpets and slaves look or behave, what does not fit, is made by me to fit!
Tag: Lady Krasaviza
Crush Zone
In this clip it goes step by step in the crush zone of one of my slave. First with athletic shoes than with my godlike adorable blank feet. It is the perfect workout in the morning for me – it’s not so pleasant for this shoe pad under me. Crush, ouch!
Destroyed on the floor!
Here you can see how I deal with a hyperactive one. Immobilized in foil this silly potato is ready to get trampled by me.
It gets trampled down!
A slavebimbo under the divine boots of Krasaviza and Emily Jones. This piece of special waste doesn’t deserve it another way then we „tenderize“ this little bimbo with hard kicks. It makes real fun to use this doormat like pavement. The principal thing, it hurts him – The principle thing we had fun.
The Shoe-School!
In my school I test your knowledge about the world of lady shoes. In this clip it happens in a resolute and not very kind way to the bright brain. The task: He has to identify and name six pairs of my shoe- and boottreasures exactly with bandaged eyes (only with palpation)! The blind has pitifully failed of course so I had fun with him while using him as an underlayment for trampling and as a jumping pad. No shoe hurts like another; and this painful lesson will be unforgettable by this dump fruit.
My just sharpened ice skates and my sexy football shoes need a little „Walk“. Not on some particular parcour or other but befitting on one oft he victims like you. First I work this living contact mine under me with my godlike, adorable feet with the edged studs oft he soccer boos where on the soccer fiel I would get the yellow card. …. After change of the sport I scratch as a delicate but ice cold Trampling-Queen over the naked belly of the Bimbo.Ouch – See it!
The Bottle-Caps-Servant!
Lately I televiewed something about a fakir and I just wanted to test it on a slavebimbo. I had no bed of nails (who wants to make me such a thing?), but a few bottle caps from the trash bin did it as well for now. In this clip you can see my sportingly trampling session, which makes deep impressions on the skin of my victim. Well, I love it to hurt little slaves. Who will be the next?
Down at the creek!
What is even better than a relaxing spring walk in the countryside? Right, an idiot whom I can chase around! And so, this little creek – which I like to cross – is coming at the right time. My slave is allowed to be useful for me and serves me as a pier in the ice-cold water. I don’t give a shit whether a certain part of his body will freeze off or not while I trample him. Be sure, I could not care less about it!
Which part of „Jerking forbidden“ my slave didn’t understood? I have cought him right in his jerking action. But well, he that will not hear must feel. Better: suffer! Well, little bitch, how does it feel, when my heels dig in your monkey praws? Do you get a message in your dump head? I hope it for your, because: Another thing like that – and you had a thing.
A Catwalk for my Heels!
SHOEFASHIONSHOW – AND YOU ARE MY CATWALK! Gorgeous Heels with high and sharp stillettos totter gracefully and merciless over a helpless slave corpus. Beauty can be sooo cruel!^^