Look what I brought for you today – arent these shoes incredibly sexy?! And you know how everyone always says, that high heels are so painful? I really cant relate to that – I find them really comfortable! How is it for you?! Does it hurt, when my weight pushes these thin heels into your skin?! Does it hurt, when I walk over your face?! Does it hurt when Im treading on it? And beside the pain, we can also evaluate the consequences … will your skin withstand these sharp-edged heels? How long do these heel marks stay on your face? Which color are they going to have in the upcoming days? Yes, I know this test is probably pretty painful for you … but I just love to look into your pain distorted, begging eyes!
Suffering Under Riding Boots
Miss Jessica Wood is here today. She wants to check her messages while smothering the slave and I like her ignorance while she is doing that. The slave is struggling for air, but she is not bothered at all. This is happening in the first minute of the clip and the rest of the clip is only trampling. So the slave will be the doormat for Miss Jessica Wood the entire time. This is absolutely full weight leather riding boots trampling as the mistress is not using anything to hold on apart of the leash which is attached on the slaves neck. Only a few times Miss Jessica Wood is using the wall to hold on, but this is when she is standing on the slaves head. And as usual the mistress is standing on the slave almost the entire clip. A few times Miss Jessica steps on the actual floor. The clip is not hard trampling itself and its rather a normal trampling and fun for the mistress to use the human carpet instead of the actual one. The slave has been trampled on his front, on his back and on his head as well. A lot of close ups and very different angles as well. Basically the clip is for all riding boots lovers and riding mistresses lovers.
Slaves hands trampled in the office
Ive told my colleague about my slave before and today I brought him with me into the office. The loser has to kneel on the ground next to my workplace and I start by resting my heels on his hands and driving over his hands with my office chair – then I start to trample his hands under my high heels and show my colleague how much fun it is to inflict pain on the loser! I show her how to properly trample a slaves hands – and of course, she gets to try it out for herself and tramples his hands under her boots as well. Must be humiliating to be outed as a slave like this and allowing other women to use him for their entertainment as well … but as a submissive loser, he doesnt really have a choice – hell do and endure anything I demand!
Lady Scarlet – Destroyed hands in a hotel room
I am angry. I told the slave to fix the hotel room where we have been staying since last night and to do the cleaning well. I want him to do them and not the employees. He must be the most submissive slave! The last of his rank! But unfortunately he didnt do a good job and Im disappointed. I call him at my feet, tapping the boot on the floor. I blame him for his negligence and tell him to show me his hands. They are too nice, they are not the hands of a worker. Be smart! But Ill fix them for him now … I make him put them under the feet of the stool and I crush them, sitting down or standing up on the stool. Then I make him put them on the stool and I sit comfortably on the bed next to me, stretching my legs and placing the heels of my boots on his hands. I climb on them, crush them under my soles. Or I squeeze them under my butt. There are also close-up scenes to show the trampling action well. By alternating all of these positions, he will eventually find his hands destroyed and walk away whining and repenting.
LICK MY SHOES OR GET TRAMPLED – Cock trampling and crushing, tongue trampling and shoe licking
I started sitting down with my feet propped up on a puff relaxing. I made my slave lick the bottoms of my Converse from heel to toe multiple times, then I got mad because he wasnt doing a great job so I SMACK him hard with my hand and SPIT in his face and tell him to do a better job licking the bottom of my converse and he continued licking each of my shoes a few more times . After that I told him to lay on his back and spread his legs, I started by STEPPING on his BALLS twisting my shoes hard on his balls as if I was twisting on a cigarette or a bug. After crushing his balls for a minute or so I used his balls as a step up to stand on his chest and make him lick my converse some more. First I hovered my shoe about an inch away from his face and told him to start licking from heel to toe, he still wasnt doing a good job so I smacked him again and spitted on his face and told him to stick out his TONGUE and I wipe my shoe very hard on his tongue as if his tongue was a doormat. After using his tongue as a doormat for about a minute I also told him to stick his tongue out and crush his tongue by twisting hard like twisting a cigarette or bug because thats all he is, he is a worthless bug or cigarette beneath my shoes.Â
Beg me to destroy your hands!
I order the slave to put his hands on the ground – so I can walk over them with my sexy Buffalo boots. These boots have such a nice tread – perfect to hurt a slave with. But today I dont want to just trample his hands – I want him to beg me to destroy them! The rules are simple – he has to beg me to STOMP all over his hands – and if he stops or doesnt beg enough, Ill slap his face hard. As I stomp all over his hands and enjoy how hes screaming in pain, his body starts shaking and his voice starts shaking more and more – and of course he gets his face slapped a lot of times. His hands are covered in marks from my boot soles and theyre also getting quite colorful as well! In the end, the slave is crying in pain and can barely speak anymore!
Boots Trampling Compilation by Miss Jessica Wood
So, this is a trampling compilation clip by Miss Jessica Wood containing Only trampling scenes from the following clips shown below:*Introducing to You Miss Jessica Wood *Little Slave for Miss Jessica Wood *The Lesson *Beneath Her Riding Boots*Suffering Under Riding BootsYou can find the full clips on my store.You know Miss Jessica Wood already and her style of trampling. She loves using a slave just as a rug. Basically the clip is dedicated to all the people who has a strong fetish to leather riding boots and Mistress dressed in riding clothes and jodhpurs. So I hope you can will enjoy it. The clip has many close ups and some full body angles.
Crushing his throat and face under riding boots
Ill now use my hard full leather riding boots with nailed soles to torture this slave today. Ill concentrate on trampling his throat, his face and his head under the hard soles – and push his limits! This loser really tries to move my boots while I stand on his head with my full weight – he shouldve known that I wont let this go unpunished! While Im standing on his throat with one boot – I order him to lick the other one – and then step on his frontally on his face – crushing his lips under my heels and flattening his nose under my boot soles! I just love the bright red color of his face by the end of the session!
Long standing and stomping on his hands
Ive put on my CAT boots with a mean tread to torture the slave today. I will test out whats more painful for him – standing on his hands with my full weight for a long time?! Or maybe stomping down onto his hands?! Or maybe jumping on his hands?! 😀 I know all of these will hurt him extremely and it doesnt take long until his hands are completely covered in marks from the boots tread. I just love how the skin under my boot soles turns white and red under the pressure and I also enjoy hearing the loser scream in pain, beg for mercy and almost cry in despair!
Long standing or stomping – whats worse?!
This slave told me that he cant stand much pain – so I promised him to not use high heels for the hand trampling … but I think I can push his limits with an evil game. The question is simple – whats worse? Standing on his hands for a long time? Or stomping down on them?! Needless to say, that Im making him suffer right from the start – and the tread of my ankle boots leaves nice marks all over his hands! Hes moaning and whining in pain as my full weight slowly but surely imprints the shoe tread into his fingers and hands – and each time I stomp on his hands hes screaming in pain loudly 😀 He starts to beg for mercy and tries to persuade me by kissing and caressing my boots – but he should now that this endeavor is futile … there will be no mercy … he can only hope that at some point Ill loose interest in torturing him!