Trampling Movies

Lisa – Trampling and Shoe Smelling

Lisa just came home after wedding party of her friends. She party all night and comes home only at early morning. She looks at her slave, that lies on the floor like carpet, and thinks what to do with him. Lisa takes off her shoe and put it on the Alexs face. She fixates her shoe with the duct tape and tells the slave: “Ive party all night and my feet are sweaty, and I guess a stinky too, isnt it? You will smell my shoe while I trample you. I hope you have enough air to endure it”. Then Lisa stands on Alex and stomps his chest and belly with her full weight (62kg / 137lbs). Lisa also stands only on one foot and on tiptoes to make more pain to the slave and hear how hard he tries to suck some air thru the shoe. Lisas shoe are fixates very good and firmly, so Alexs face became red. When she saw this she decide to jump on him, to make his face even more red and his breath very fast. May be then he ventilate Lisas shoes faster.

Lisa - Trampling and Shoe Smelling

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Trampling Clips

Carpet man 6

I am in Wroclaw once again, at the SICI vol. 2 party. This time I’m wrapped in a white carpet. To my delight, it turned out that almost all the girls, or at least 80% of them, are new participants. We can assume that almost all of them had never done trampling before because it is not very well known over here. The girl in grey shoes on low heels is a very large woman, although you can’t tell by looking at her calves. She gave me the biggest workout during the party by jumping all over me. The girl in high heels with a lot of leather was very afraid of hurting me at first. Then you can see how she relaxed and got into it. She even invited her friend to join her in trampling me. After another session with the girl in grey shoes jumping on me, I decided to switch places with my friend. Now he will be lying on the floor. The girl in the green dress was great. She rubbed the soles of her shoes all over the guy’s face, as if to say that he is trash. Then she came back, wanting to stand on the head of the guy lying under the carpet, but she couldn’t fit beside the wall. Many of them walked very carefully because they were carrying drinks. Then two of us lie next to each other on the ground because the girl was scared that she would hurt us. But her boyfriend talked her into it and she finally decided to try. The scared girl was the one wearing the stockings with the pink ends – you will see what she will do later on herself and how she will trample in high heels. She will do it the longest in the film. Then she will invite another girl in beautiful, black suede high-heels. The girl in black high-heels is trying out standing on the head, but you can’t really see it that well from the side camera angle. You can see, however, the guy’s damaged hand from her stepping on it with her heels. The girl in stockings tries standing on his head, and she seems a bit better at it. We switch places and now it’s my turn again to lie under the carpet. But before I was able to wrap myself up, I was tested without the protective covering. She liked it so much that the moment I wrapped myself up, she started to walk all over me again. When I wanted to show her with my hands where the best spot to step on was, she simply stepped on my hands and that was that. Even the waitress approached us and asked if she can try because she said she was watching us and really liked it but she never stepped on anyone before – now was her chance. One thing that really hurt was when this girl didn’t want to step on me and tried to go around me but she ended up stepping on the pinky finger of my right hand with her heel. I made a close-up of that scene. Then we decided to take group photos of the four girls standing on top of us. They were standing there a long time and posed well for the photographer – I don’t have the photos. Unfortunately, she crushed the rug so much that you can only see the top part of the shoes. Then I asked one of them to stand and dig in her heels really hard. Even though it was through the carpet, it still hurt bad. Then we pose for photos again, this time with three girls. We were trampled a total of 153 times. Tme: 1h.05.56 min.

Carpet man 6

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TRAMPLING – Peterek2001 store at Yoogirls

Trampling Movies

Spontaneous trampaling

The film was supposed to be about trampling on a bed, but it didnt exactly work out as planned since the girl got so excited that when I lay down with my camera she started to trample all over me first in her shoes and then barefoot. Time: 6.13 min.

Spontaneous trampaling

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TRAMPLING – Peterek2001 store at Yoogirls

Trampling Clips

First trampling 02

3 girls take part in their first trampling session. The man lying on the floor shows the girls where to stand. They all fear standing on his head the most, but they all decide to do it in the end. They walk on his whole body, standing on his neck and his face. They are all wearing sneakers at the beginning. They weigh 52, 54, and 63 kg. Then all three of them get on him and walk freely on his body. They each take turns standing on his face. Time 9.54 min. Remastered – movie from 2006.

First trampling 02

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TRAMPLING – Peterek2001 store at Yoogirls

Trampling Videos

Losers hands trampled under my riding boots

I know these riding boots look really hot on me … but theyre also a mean tool to torture slaves. With the rock-hard nailed soles, they can really hurt the slave a lot – especially when I use them on his fragile fingers! Again and again I walk over his hands, stand on them with my full weight and even concentrate my full weight on only one of his hands. The loser is already close to crying, but theres always a way to make him suffer even more! Next, I try to trample only a few fingers at a time and enjoy how hes screaming in pain 😀

Losers hands trampled under my riding boots

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Madame Marissa store at Yoogirls

Trampling Movies

Cheerleaders grande 3

Cheerleaders are always famous in mens world. Especially if they are pretty, I dare say, like our Teodora and Deborah. There is always some loser rooter, fat and ugly, who is brave enough to compare with their carpet and role the floor. They trample him together.

Cheerleaders grande 3

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DuneFeet store at Yoogirls

Trampling Videos

Miss Claire total boots destruction (BRUTAL VIDEO)

Savage full weight body trample, extreme face trample full weight, full weight throat crushing, brutal stomping, savage body busting, full weight cock and balls jumping, brutal belly torture, extreme CBT, Under the boots of our extreme Goddess Miss Claire

Miss Claire total boots destruction (BRUTAL VIDEO)

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A UNDER-SHOES CLIP STORE store at Yoogirls